Rumble Triggers
The XIM MATRIX Rumble Trigger Workshop is used to learn and leverage unique rumble patterns that occur in your game to automatically run bindings.
A common use case for this is the automatic enablement of recoil control groups for a weapon just by firing it.
Rumble Triggers are a type of binding input (much like Left Mouse Button or Space Key). When the previously learned rumble pattern is "triggered", the associated binding is run.
Recoil Triggers are only supported when your XIM MATRIX outputs as a controller.
Start the Workshop
To start:
- Edit your Config
- Add a new binding
- Choose the Rumble Pattern Trigger input
Start your Game
Start your game and enter a private game or training area that is free of enemies.
Weapon Tracking
Normally the gamer needs to ensure their XIM MATRIX groups are synchronized with the current weapons they are using. There are group cycle actions specifically designed for tracking weapon loadouts.
This manual tracking process can outright be replaced by rumble triggers if the game has unique patterns per weapon. If not, some degree of automatic synchronization is normally achievable given the rumble patterns available.
Take this example where we have 3 different recoil control groups for this game: MA40
, VK78
, and BEAM
. There aren't any bindings in our Config currently that will enable these groups:
Starting with the MA40
, here is how a rumble trigger is added for it:
- Ensure no rumble is active
- Press Learn
- Fire the weapon
- Press Accept
Rumble patterns are only detected (and learned) when they change. This means you may see "PATTERN INACTIVE" even though rumble is actively occurring in-game.
A rumble trigger is now added and we've also added an exclusive group enable action for MA40
. When this weapon is fired, the MA40
recoil control group will automatically be enabled immediately:
Repeating the process for the other weapons:
The Config's bindings now consist of:
1 | Rumble Triggers to automatically activate groups when each weapon fires. |
2 | Recoil control bindings for each weapon. |
3 | Additional binding added to disable all groups when no longer firing. |
When firing, the weapon's rumble trigger binding runs which enables the recoil control group for that gun:
Rumble triggers aren't limited to weapon firing. You can learn patterns on any rumble pattern such as picking up or changing weapons.
PlayStation 5 vs Xbox
The rumble signal generated by the console is used to produce rumble triggers. This signal differs considerably between PlayStation 5 and Xbox.
Xbox rumble consists of impulse triggers and grip rumble. These rumbles are combined to make up the pattern (same for PC, but for PS4 only grip is available):
PlayStation 5 has a more immersive system for rumble that consists of adaptive triggers and high definition grip haptics. XIM MATRIX only uses adaptive triggers when connected to PlayStation 5, however, these triggers contain a wealth of information (more than all Xbox rumbles). This is because in addition to rumble, these triggers also include force feedback.
For PlayStation 5, you will frequently learn rumble patterns based on weapon switch.
For PC gamers that are using controller output, you can use a DualSense connected to Port 3 and an "Xbox/PS4" (passthrough) Config to take advantage of games that support DualSense haptics.
When using rumble triggers, you may encounter a conflict warning:
This means there is another binding that is also using the same rumble trigger.
Some games reuse patterns for all their weapons while others use unique patterns. See Advanced Triggering to learn of ways to resolve conflicts.
Editing Triggers
To reload the workshop to edit an existing rumble trigger:
- Edit the rumble trigger binding
- Press the wrench icon
- Select Rumble Trigger
Advanced Triggering
Advanced Triggering gives you access to the system's underlying rumble pattern fingerprints and also how the patterns change over time to aide in conflict resolution.
To access, press Advanced:
Now when you Learn, you'll see fingerprint numbers like this:
In this case, the first pattern detected was 5FE7 (the first pattern fingerprint is always used when learning). Followed by a pattern change of 1C85 which occurred 44ms after firing began.
Use Learn repeatedly to look for pattern consistency and unique fingerprints between weapons.
Selecting fingerprints will copy them to the clipboard so you can keep track of multiple pattern sequences.
After discovering a fingerprint over time that is unique for a weapon, you can enter it manually:
When using a non-immediate rumble trigger, make sure to take its delay into account in your action sequence.
The Rumble Trigger Workshop is designed to simplify the leveraging of rumble triggers to automate tasks in your Config.
If rumble triggers aren't working correctly for you, please verify the following:
Enable Game Rumble
Ensure your game's settings have rumble enabled. This includes Adaptive Triggers for PlayStation 5. Some games allow for different intensities of rumble which will affect results when changed.
PlayStation 5 Rumble Isn't Detected
XIM MATRIX targets DualSense adaptive triggers specifically, not its HD (grip) haptics. They must be enabled in the game you are playing. If still not detected, connect your DualSense directly to your console and verify adaptive trigger activity is occurring.
Same Pattern for all Weapons
There will be cases where the game you are playing uses the same pattern for all weapons. If this is the case, you can still leverage rumble triggers by using it ensure your current selected loadout is synchronized by connecting your rumble trigger to a cycle group reset action.