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Action Categories

Smart Actions come in categories of functionality.

Some Smart Actions are only available if the binding uses a runs-once condition and are hidden otherwise. These actions are labeled with a runs-once icon in this document.

Other Smart Actions are not shown by default and require pressing the "..." in order to view.


For a complete description of functionality of all Smart Actions see the Smart Actions Reference.

Console Controller Buttons

Actions that output console controller button presses. Your Config must be in controller output mode for these to work. (Button images will match the Config game platform.)

Mouse Buttons

Actions that output mouse button presses. Your Config must be in mouse output mode for these to work.

Keyboard Keys

Actions that output keyboard key presses. Your Config must be in keyboard output mode for these to work.

Motion Activation

Actions that provide additional mouse gyro aim activation flexibility on top of the existing built in motion activation options.


Use to pause between actions. Supports millisecond resolution as well as multisecond and infinite waits (used to stop repeating action sequences). Use in many scenarios including rapid fire.

Aim Control

Actions used to augment reticle velocity that seamlessly combines with the gamer's aim. Used in a variety of scenarios including recoil control.

Group Bindings

Actions that provide flexibility in enabling and disabling binding groups.

Console Controller Stick Position

Actions that provide direct control of console stick positions. Use for scenarios such as radial menus. Do not use for aim control.

Sensitivity Modifiers

Actions that provide aim and stick sensitivity modification. Use aim sensitivity modification when aim sensitivity drops in game (such as when entering vehicles or using parachutes). Use stick sensitivity modification in scenarios such as lowering player movement speed (walk).

Stick Swapping

Action used to left/right swap console response sticks. This is useful in a temporary swap so that your input device can drive the left stick for weapon wheels or looting.

Turn Assist

Action used to continue in last aim direction while active. Use in scenarios such as vehicles and parachutes.

Config Switching

Actions used to provide additional flexibility in switching Configs. Use in scenarios such as chaining Configs together for different modes in a single game (i.e. on-foot vs. vehicle).

Uninterruptible Action Sequences

When the input condition for a binding is no longer valid, the action sequence currently running stops immediately (it is interrupted). Use this setting to ensure your sequence always completes when close synchronization with in-game events is required.