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Wait Variance

When an action sequence is run, by default wait variance is enabled which will cause slight variations in Wait action times to simulate natural human behavior patterns.

For example, an auto-fire sequence's Waits will be slightly above and below the value you specified.

Disabling Wait Variance

To disable wait variance, edit your Config and press the watch icon.

The icon will turn red when it's off.

You will see this red icon for the binding in the binding list as well.


While disabling wait variance will make your sequence timing perfect, it also means it will behave less human.

Configuring Wait Variance

To configure wait variance, under Mappings press the "..." and select Behavior Simulation.

The Wait Variance value is a percentage of variance above and below the specific wait time.

For example, 20% for a 150ms wait time means, when run, the wait will be between 120ms and 180ms (20% above and below 150ms).

To disable completely, set to 0%.

Disabling Simulate Analog Behavior

When disabling Wait Variance for a binding, this will also disable Simulate Analog Behavior for that binding as well.